Elevate Your Multifamily Career with circle.: A New Community for Education and Growth

Aug 23, 2024

Today, I'm thrilled to introduce circle., a new professional community designed to elevate the multifamily property management industry through targeted education, mentorship, and peer support.

Why I Created circle.

Over my 19-year career in multifamily property management, I've been fortunate to learn from exceptional mentors who taught me the core principles of our industry. However, as I progressed in my career, I noticed a widespread issue: the fundamental knowledge I had taken for granted was often lacking across various levels of the industry.

This realization evolved from an initial sense of personal opportunity to a growing concern about its impact on decision-making and performance. Ultimately, it ignited a passion to address this industry-wide issue.

The Multifamily Knowledge Gap

Many professionals in our industry are not taught the core of their job. They know the "how" but not the "why." This gap limits professionals' ability to adapt, innovate, and excel, in their careers.

  • Limits professionals' ability to adapt, innovate, and excel in their careers.

  • Is compounded by the growing complexity of property management technology.

  • Leads to more training time devoted to software navigation instead of community operation.

In my conversations with on-site staff, I frequently hear they wish they'd received more training. They’re seeking:

  • Guidance on making better and more effective decisions.

  • A deeper understanding of the principles behind their daily tasks.

circle. aims to bridge this gap by providing education that goes beyond the 'how' and delves deep into the 'why' of multifamily property management.

What circle. Offers:

  1. Focused Education:

    • Our "Multifamily Foundations" course series addresses critical knowledge gaps often overlooked in traditional training.

    • These courses are and will always be free and accessible to all members, reflecting our commitment to elevating the entire industry.

  2. Live Events:

    • We're starting with monthly Ask Me Anything sessions with industry experts.

    • Our first AMA on September 2, 2024, features Amanda Cox, COO of Bellaire Management.

  3. Mentorship Hubs:

    • Spaces for sharing knowledge

    • Asking questions

    • Supporting peers across various aspects of our industry.

  4. Clarity for Career Roadmaps:

    • Guidance on skill development across different roles

    • From leasing agents to regional managers.

  5. Community-Driven Learning:

    • Our system encourages and rewards members for completing courses

    • sharing valuable content.

Our Keystone: The Multifamily Foundations Course Series

The heart of circle. is our Multifamily Foundations course series, addressing critical knowledge gaps I've observed throughout my career:

  • Building from Bedrock - official launch 9/16/2024 (early access 8/26/2024)
    • Lay the foundation for multifamily success
      • Dive deep into the core of multifamily property management

      • Understand the industry's impact

      • master essential business fundamentals

      • Chart your career path from leasing agent to regional manager

      • Gain the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions that drive property success.

  • Owner's Goals and Objectives - official launch 10/14/2024
    • Align your management with the strategy, goals and objectives of your clients
      • Decode the motivations behind multifamily investments

      • Learn to adapt your management approach to meet diverse owner objectives

      • Ensure your decisions consistently support investment goals and drive property performance.

  • The Value of $4 - official launch 11/11/2024
    • Small decisions, big impacts
      • Discover how seemingly minor choices significantly influence property performance

      • Reveal the cumulative effect of daily decisions on financial outcomes

      • Empowering you to prioritize actions that maximize property value and operational efficiency.

  • Market Knowledge > experience - official launch 12/16/2024
    • Your competitive edge in any market
      • Develop your multifamily superpower: deep market insight

      • Learn strategies to build comprehensive market knowledge

      • Apply real-world techniques to become the go-to market expert in your area.

  • Process-Centric Management - official launch 1/16/2025
    • Excellence through continuous improvement
      • Master the art of adaptable property management

      • Focus on refining processes rather than fixating on outcomes

      • Develop strategies for consistent success in any market condition

      • Ensure your properties thrive even when the market shifts.

These courses form the bedrock of knowledge that can transform good property managers into exceptional ones. They represent the lessons I wish I had learned earlier in my career and the insights that have proven most valuable in my professional journey.

Who circle. is For:

circle. is designed to benefit multifamily professionals at all stages of their careers:

  • For Those Early in Their Career:
    • Gain a solid foundation in multifamily fundamentals

    • Understand the 'why' behind daily tasks and decisions

    • Develop critical thinking skills to solve property management challenges

    • Build a network of peers and mentors to support your growth

    • Accelerate your career progression through targeted skill development

  • For Mid-Career Professionals:
    • Fill in knowledge gaps that may be holding you back

    • Gain fresh perspectives on familiar challenges

    • Develop leadership skills to advance to senior roles

    • Stay current with industry best practices and trends

    • Expand your professional network across companies and regions

  • For Experienced Leaders:
    • Refine your strategic thinking and decision-making skills

    • Gain insights to drive innovation in your organization

    • Mentor the next generation of multifamily professionals

    • Stay connected with on-the-ground realities and emerging trends

    • Contribute your expertise to shape the future of the industry

Whether you're just starting out, looking to advance to the next level, or aiming to leave a lasting impact on the industry, circle. provides the knowledge, community, and resources to help you achieve your goals.

Our Commitment

At circle., we're committed to providing education and support that allows people to thrive in their current roles and advance to the next one. We're creating a space where there are no "dumb questions" - only opportunities to learn and grow. This commitment is reflected in our decision to make membership free and to keep our foundational courses accessible to all at no cost.

circle. is not just a community; it's a movement towards a more knowledgeable, connected, and effective multifamily industry.

Join Us

We're at the beginning of this journey, and we're looking for founding members who share our passion for improving the multifamily industry through education and community support.

As a founding member, you'll have the opportunity to shape the future of our community and content. You'll also gain early access to our initial course offerings and events as we develop them. And the best part? Membership in circle. is completely free.

If you're interested in being part of a community dedicated to elevating multifamily education and career development at no cost to you, we invite you to join circle.

Click here to join our community and be a part of elevating the multifamily industry for everyone.

#MultifamilyEducation #PropertyManagement #ProfessionalDevelopment #circle.