beginning. | the multifamily industry is broken, these are the first steps toward fixing it.

Feb 26, 2024

title slide for beginning. the multifamily industry is broken

🚀 Introducing "beginning. | the multifamily industry is broken. these are our first steps toward fixing it." - The First Episode of the Chasing Tomorrow Podcast 🚀

Today marks a significant milestone not just for me, but for all of us who are passionate about the multifamily industry. I'm thrilled to share the inaugural episode of the Chasing Tomorrow Podcast, aptly titled "beginning." that will be premiering on YouTube today at 9:00 AM Central.

In this episode, we dive deep into the heart of the multifamily industry - its challenges, its impact, and the transformative journey ahead to fix what has long been perceived to be unfixable. With nearly two decades of experience in property management, I've seen firsthand the profound effect our work has on people's lives and felt the urgent need for innovation and change.

"beginning." is more than just an episode title; it's a declaration of a collective mission to reshape the multifamily landscape. I highlight what I believe to be some the biggest challenges we face as an industry, their impact on our organizations, clients and residents, and the power of community that will be critical to create the changes we so desperately need to see in this industry.

While this video may mark the beginning of my journey, we'll only achieve the change needed by saying the quiet parts out loud and fostering many long overdue conversations. I don't claim to have all of the answers, but I am absolutely willing to share my perspective. I invite you to watch, reflect, and join the conversation with me. Your insights, experiences, and passion are the fuel that will drive this transformation forward and bring it into this reality.

Let's embark on this journey together and redefine what it means to be part of the multifamily industry